Astrobiological Research and Education Society

The Astrobiological Research and Education Society is your premiere hub for all aerospace, astronautics, astrophysics, and astrobiology research projects at Florida Tech! At ARES, we offer you an opportunity to grow professionally, be trained in astronautics, and conduct your own undergraduate research in any astro-related field.

Join our Florida Tech Engage page to receive our emails!

Join our Discord, we'd love to have you!

General Meeting: Every other Monday, 6-7PM, in OEC 118

ARES pioneers in the interdisciplinary cooperation between space science, astrobiology, and relevant engineers to promote fellowship and further scientific growth. First and foremost, we are a society of like-minded individuals who all believe that space is a place for all people, and that humanity's future lies amongst the stars.

We enjoy many opportunities for our members, such as:

  • Annual ARES Future Astronaut Corps Selection
  • Annual Plant the Moon/Mars Competition
  • Weekly Events & Member Involvement
  • Annual Space Week Celebrations
  • Annual Research Trips

1. Join The ARES Discord Server

The ARES Discord server is the best way to keep up on updates, communicate and collaborate with others on projects, and learn about everything ARES has to offer.

Join Discord Server

2. Register on Florida Tech Engage

Make it official! Visit the ARES page on Engage and click the blue "Join" button.

Visit Engage

3. Attend Your First Meeting

ARES holds meetings every other Monday from 6-7 PM EST in The Olin Engineering Complex(OEC), room 118. Learn about the different projects and opportunities that ARES has to offer.

Add ARES Meetings To Your Calendar (iCal)

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