Earth Will Get Another Moon This Month — But Not for Long!

Earth will temporarily capture asteroid 2024 PT5 as a mini-moon from September 29 to November 25, 2024. This small asteroid will orbit Earth briefly before returning to its solar orbit, offering insights into near-Earth objects and celestial mechanics.
Earth Will Get Another Moon This Month — But Not for Long!

Earth's New Mini-Moon: Temporary Capture of Asteroid 2024 PT5

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Abstract: Earth will temporarily capture asteroid 2024 PT5 as a mini-moon from September 29 to November 25, 2024. This small asteroid will orbit Earth briefly before returning to its solar orbit, offering insights into near-Earth objects and celestial mechanics.

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"You may say that if a true satellite is like a customer buying goods inside a store, objects like 2024 PT5 are window shoppers!"Carlos de la Fuente Marcos

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Earth's Temporary Companion: 2024 PT5
  3. The Science Behind Mini-Moons
  4. Historical Instances of Mini-Moons
  5. In-Depth Analysis of 2024 PT5
  6. Implications of Mini-Moon Research
  7. Challenges in Observing Mini-Moons
  8. Conclusion
  9. References
  10. Appendix


This month, Earth is set to capture a new temporary satellite: the tiny asteroid 2024 PT5. Unlike our permanent Moon, which has been Earth's steadfast companion for about 4 billion years, this "mini-moon" will only stay for about two months before resuming its orbit around the Sun. The discovery and study of such temporary natural satellites provide valuable insights into celestial mechanics, near-Earth objects (NEOs), and the dynamics of our solar system.

Earth's Temporary Companion: 2024 PT5

An illustration shows Earth capturing 2024 PT5 as a temporary mini-moon while its longstanding lunar companion looks on.

A team of scientists specializing in mini-moon events identified the forthcoming gravitational capture of 2024 PT5. They observed the asteroid's unique dynamic properties during routine monitoring of newly discovered objects for potentially interesting behavior.

Carlos de la Fuente Marcos, a professor at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and the lead author of the study, explained:

"The object that is going to pay us a visit belongs to the Arjuna asteroid belt, a secondary asteroid belt made of space rocks that follow orbits very similar to that of Earth at an average distance to the sun of about 93 million miles (150 million kilometers)."

Key Facts About 2024 PT5

  • Asteroid Type: Arjuna-class Near-Earth Object
  • Size Estimate: Approximately 10 meters in diameter
  • Capture Duration: September 29, 2024 – November 25, 2024
  • Closest Approach to Earth: Approximately 2.8 million miles (4.5 million km)

The Science Behind Mini-Moons

Gravitational Capture Mechanisms

The capture of a mini-moon involves intricate gravitational interactions between Earth, the asteroid, and the Sun. The key factors include:

  1. Relative Velocity: The asteroid must have a low relative velocity compared to Earth.
  2. Approach Distance: A close approach within Earth's Hill sphere (the region where Earth's gravity dominates).
  3. Solar Perturbations: The Sun's gravitational influence can aid in the temporary binding of the asteroid to Earth.

Equation of Motion for Gravitational Capture:

\vec{F} = -G \frac{M_{\text{Earth}} \cdot m}{r^2} \hat{r} - G \frac{M_{\text{Sun}} \cdot m}{(R - r)^2} \hat{R-r}


  • ( G ) is the gravitational constant.
  • ( M_{\text{Earth}} ) and ( M_{\text{Sun}} ) are the masses of Earth and the Sun, respectively.
  • ( m ) is the mass of the asteroid.
  • ( r ) is the distance between Earth and the asteroid.
  • ( R ) is the distance between the Sun and the asteroid.

Conditions for Temporary Capture

For an asteroid to become a mini-moon:

  • Negative Geocentric Energy: The asteroid's total energy relative to Earth must become negative.
  • Low Relative Speed: Typically around 2,200 miles per hour (3,540 km/h).
  • Proximity: Within approximately 2.8 million miles (4.5 million km) of Earth.

Historical Instances of Mini-Moons

Mini-moon events are categorized into two types:

  1. Long-Term Captures: The asteroid completes one or more revolutions around Earth, lasting one or more years.
  2. Short-Term Captures: The asteroid does not complete a full revolution, with engagements lasting days to months.

Long-Term Captures

Asteroid Capture Period Duration Revolutions Size Estimate
2006 RH120 July 2006 – July 2007 ~1 year Multiple 2–3 meters
2020 CD3 2017 – May 2020 ~3 years Multiple 1–2 meters

Short-Term Captures

Asteroid Capture Period Duration Revolutions Size Estimate
1991 VG February 1992 Days None ~10 meters
2022 NX1 1981, 2022 Weeks None Small
2024 PT5 Sep – Nov 2024 ~2 months None ~10 meters

In-Depth Analysis of 2024 PT5

Orbital Characteristics

Orbital Elements of 2024 PT5 (as of August 30, 2024):

  • Semimajor Axis (a): 1.0123051 ± 0.0000002 AU
  • Eccentricity (e): 0.02147672 ± 0.00000005
  • Inclination (i): 1.52051° ± 0.00004°
  • Longitude of Ascending Node (Ω): 305.5722° ± 0.0007°
  • Argument of Perihelion (ω): 116.2485° ± 0.0002°
  • Absolute Magnitude (H): 27.6 ± 0.3 mag

Predicted Trajectory and Capture Duration

Capture Timeline:

  • Capture Begins: September 29, 2024, 20:02 UTC
  • Capture Ends: November 25, 2024, 10:33 UTC
  • Total Duration: Approximately 56.6 days

During this period, 2024 PT5 will not complete a full orbit around Earth but will be temporarily bound due to negative geocentric energy.

Simulation and Modeling

Researchers used N-body simulations to predict the orbital evolution of 2024 PT5. The simulations accounted for gravitational influences from:

  • Earth
  • The Moon
  • The Sun
  • Other planets in the solar system
1. Evolution of the relative mean longitude of 2024 PT5 and its geocentric energy (top), and its relative semimajor axis as a function of its relative mean longitude and its nominal geocentric motion (bottom, Earth in blue, captures in red). (Original research DOI: 10.3847/2515-5172/ad781f)

Key Findings from Simulations

  • Horseshoe Orbit: 2024 PT5 follows a horseshoe path relative to Earth.
  • Geocentric Energy: Becomes negative during the capture period, indicating temporary binding.
  • Close Approach: Post-capture, the asteroid will approach Earth at ~1 km/s, with a minimum distance of 0.012 AU on January 9, 2025.

Visualization of Orbital Path

# Simplified Python code to plot the trajectory of 2024 PT5

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# Generate data for Earth's orbit
theta = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100)
earth_x = np.cos(theta)
earth_y = np.sin(theta)

# Generate data for 2024 PT5's trajectory
# Placeholder data for illustration
pt5_x = np.cos(theta + 0.1) * 1.01
pt5_y = np.sin(theta + 0.1) * 1.01

plt.plot(earth_x, earth_y, label='Earth Orbit')
plt.plot(pt5_x, pt5_y, label='2024 PT5 Trajectory', linestyle='--')
plt.scatter(0, 0, color='yellow', label='Sun')
plt.title('Orbital Paths of Earth and 2024 PT5')

Figure 1: Simplified orbital paths of Earth and 2024 PT5.

Implications of Mini-Moon Research

Advancements in Astrodynamics

Studying mini-moons like 2024 PT5 enhances our understanding of:

  • Three-Body Problem: The complex gravitational interactions between the Sun, Earth, and the asteroid.
  • Orbital Mechanics: Insights into low-velocity captures and escapes.
  • Resonant Orbits: The role of co-orbital configurations like horseshoe orbits.

Potential for Space Missions

  • Sample Return Missions: Mini-moons are accessible targets for collecting asteroid material.
  • Testing Technologies: Provide opportunities to test spacecraft in Earth’s vicinity.
  • Planetary Defense: Understanding NEO trajectories aids in impact risk assessment.

Challenges in Observing Mini-Moons

Detection Difficulties

  • Dimness: Small size leads to low brightness, requiring powerful telescopes.
  • Short Window: Brief capture periods limit observation time.
  • Rapid Motion: Relative speed can complicate tracking efforts.

Technological Limitations

Advancements are needed in:

  • Detection Algorithms: Improved software to identify fast-moving, dim objects.
  • Sensor Sensitivity: Enhanced instruments to detect faint asteroids.
  • International Collaboration: Coordinated efforts among observatories worldwide.


The temporary capture of 2024 PT5 as Earth's mini-moon offers a unique opportunity to study the dynamics of NEOs and their interactions with our planet. While it won't be visible to amateur astronomers, its presence enriches our understanding of celestial mechanics and opens avenues for future research and exploration. As Professor Carlos de la Fuente Marcos aptly said, these objects are like "window shoppers"—brief visitors that offer a glimpse into the dynamic and ever-changing nature of our solar system.


  1. de la Fuente Marcos, C., & de la Fuente Marcos, R. (2024). A Two-month Mini-moon: 2024 PT5 Captured by Earth from September to November. Research Notes of the AAS, 8(9), 224. DOI: 10.3847/2515-5172/ad781f
  2. Fedorets, G., et al. (2017). Detectability of Earth's Minimoon Population. Icarus, 285, 83-94.
  3. Kwiatkowski, T., et al. (2009). Photometric and Spectroscopic Observations of the Earth Quasi-satellite and Potential Space Mission Target (164207) 2004 GU9. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 495(3), 967-974.
  4. Bolin, B. T., et al. (2020). Physical Characterization and Origin of Earth’s Temporarily-Captured Minimoon 2020 CD3. The Astronomical Journal, 160(3), 136.
  5. Aarseth, S. J. (2003). Gravitational N-Body Simulations: Tools and Algorithms. Cambridge University Press.


Python Code for Orbital Calculations

Below is a more detailed Python script used for simulating the orbital dynamics of 2024 PT5:

import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Gravitational constant in AU^3 / (Solar mass * day^2)
G = 2.959122082855911E-4

# Masses in Solar mass units
M_sun = 1.0
M_earth = 3.0034896149156E-6
M_pt5 = 1e-10  # Approximate mass

def equations(w, t):
    # Unpack positions and velocities
    x_sun, y_sun, x_earth, y_earth, x_pt5, y_pt5, vx_sun, vy_sun, vx_earth, vy_earth, vx_pt5, vy_pt5 = w
    # Distances
    r_se = np.sqrt((x_sun - x_earth)**2 + (y_sun - y_earth)**2)
    r_sp = np.sqrt((x_sun - x_pt5)**2 + (y_sun - y_pt5)**2)
    r_ep = np.sqrt((x_earth - x_pt5)**2 + (y_earth - y_pt5)**2)
    # Accelerations
    ax_sun = -G * ((M_earth * (x_sun - x_earth) / r_se**3) + (M_pt5 * (x_sun - x_pt5) / r_sp**3))
    ay_sun = -G * ((M_earth * (y_sun - y_earth) / r_se**3) + (M_pt5 * (y_sun - y_pt5) / r_sp**3))
    ax_earth = -G * ((M_sun * (x_earth - x_sun) / r_se**3) + (M_pt5 * (x_earth - x_pt5) / r_ep**3))
    ay_earth = -G * ((M_sun * (y_earth - y_sun) / r_se**3) + (M_pt5 * (y_earth - y_pt5) / r_ep**3))
    ax_pt5 = -G * ((M_sun * (x_pt5 - x_sun) / r_sp**3) + (M_earth * (x_pt5 - x_earth) / r_ep**3))
    ay_pt5 = -G * ((M_sun * (y_pt5 - y_sun) / r_sp**3) + (M_earth * (y_pt5 - y_earth) / r_ep**3))
    return [vx_sun, vy_sun, vx_earth, vy_earth, vx_pt5, vy_pt5, ax_sun, ay_sun, ax_earth, ay_earth, ax_pt5, ay_pt5]

# Initial conditions (positions and velocities)
# ... (Initialize variables accordingly)

# Time span
t = np.linspace(0, 365.25 * 2, 1000)  # Simulate for 2 years

# Solve ODE
solution = odeint(equations, initial_conditions, t)

# Plot results
plt.plot(solution[:,0], solution[:,1], label='Sun')
plt.plot(solution[:,2], solution[:,3], label='Earth')
plt.plot(solution[:,4], solution[:,5], label='2024 PT5')
plt.title('Orbital Simulation of Sun, Earth, and 2024 PT5')

Code Block: Simulation of the orbital dynamics involving the Sun, Earth, and 2024 PT5 using the three-body problem equations.

Tables of Known Mini-Moons

Table A1: Long-Term Captures

Asteroid Discovery Year Capture Period Duration Revolutions Size Estimate Reference
2006 RH120 2006 July 2006 – July 2007 ~1 year Multiple 2–3 meters Kwiatkowski et al. (2009)
2020 CD3 2020 2017 – May 2020 ~3 years Multiple 1–2 meters Bolin et al. (2020)

Table A2: Short-Term Captures

Asteroid Discovery Year Capture Period Duration Revolutions Size Estimate Reference
1991 VG 1991 February 1992 Days None ~10 meters de la Fuente Marcos & de la Fuente Marcos (2018)
2022 NX1 2022 1981, 2022 Weeks None Small de la Fuente Marcos & de la Fuente Marcos (2022)
2024 PT5 2024 Sep – Nov 2024 ~2 months None ~10 meters de la Fuente Marcos & de la Fuente Marcos (2024)

This article was adapted from research findings published in the Research Notes of the AAS and includes contributions from Professor Carlos de la Fuente Marcos and his team at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Original research DOI: 10.3847/2515-5172/ad781f

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