UAE Asteroid Mission to Launch on Japan's H3 Rocket

UAE Asteroid Mission to Launch on Japan's H3 Rocket


Japan’s H3 to Launch Emirati Asteroid Mission

MBR Explorer
The MBR Explorer spacecraft is at least superficially similar in design to NASA's Lucy asteroid mission. It will fly by six asteroids in the main belt before arriving at a seventh in 2034. Credit: UAE Space Agency

On October 10, 2024, the United Arab Emirates Space Agency (UAESA) announced its partnership with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) for a groundbreaking mission to deepen our understanding of the solar system. As part of this endeavor, the Emirates Mission to the Asteroid Belt (EMA) is set to launch aboard the Japanese H3 rocket in the first quarter of 2028. This ambitious project signifies a considerable leap in the UAE's space exploration strategy and aims to propel scientific inquiry into asteroids.

Mission Overview

The EMA mission, also known as the MBR Explorer, is designed to conduct a series of flybys and in-depth analyses of several asteroids, culminating with a rendezvous with the asteroid Justitia in 2034. This mission's timeline includes:

  • 2030-2033: Flybys of six main belt asteroids.
  • 2034: Arrival and deployment of a lander on Justitia.

Past Collaborations with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries

This mission marks the third collaboration between the UAE Space Agency and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. Previously, MHI successfully launched:

Mission Launch Vehicle Date
Emirates Mars Mission H-2A July 19, 2020
KhalifaSat H-2A (as secondary payload) October 29, 2018

Technical Details

The MBR Explorer spacecraft is engineered to leverage advanced technology, ensuring it meets the rigorous demands of deep space exploration. Mohsen AlAwadhi, the EMA mission director, expressed enthusiasm regarding the H3 vehicle:

“We have high expectations for the H3 launch vehicle, given its enhanced capabilities and MHI’s commitment to precision and excellence. This partnership represents not only the next step in the UAE’s journey into deep space but also a testament to our confidence in MHI’s technology and expertise.”

MHI has reiterated its commitment to the mission, with Iwao Igarashi, vice president at MHI, stating:

“We are very excited to support the project as the launch services provider. MHI is committed to delivering the MBR Explorer to orbit successfully and providing a smooth start of the UAESA’s new journey to deep space.”

The Significance of the MBR Explorer Mission

The MBR Explorer mission not only bolsters UAE's position in the global space community but also aims to contribute to the scientific community's understanding of asteroids, which are seen as potential harbingers of valuable resources and essential clues about the early solar system.

Potential Scientific Contributions

This mission may yield insights into:

  • The composition and characteristics of various asteroids.
  • The physical processes that shaped the formation of the solar system.
  • Mining opportunities for future space exploration endeavors.

Future Launch Operations of H3

The H3 launch vehicle is key to MHI’s future launch operations, which are projected to increase from six to eight launches per year. This ambition aligns with MHI's efforts to establish a reliable launch cadence and its role in supporting various international space initiatives.

With the MBR Explorer, the UAE is set to expand its capabilities and aspirations within the realm of deep space exploration, solidifying its commitment to scientific research and international cooperation in the field of space science.


As the UAE prepares for the launch of the MBR Explorer, it marks a significant milestone in their ongoing pursuit of knowledge and exploration beyond Earth. With the combined expertise of the UAE Space Agency and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, the future appears bright for this trajectory into the unknowns of space.

For More Information

For further details, you can visit the following resources:

Reference: SpaceNews


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